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Am Sonnenhang
Panoramahotel ****s
via principale 19
39019 Tirolo in South Tyrol, Italy
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Tax no.: 02869660213
Family Zagler
Tel.: (+39) 0473 923733
Fax: +39 0473 923848
SDI Kodex: SUBM70N
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© Copyright 2019:
The entire content of this website including all images and texts is protected by copyright and property of the respective author.
The reproduction of the content is prohibited regardless of the medium used, except with the written permission of the respective author.
© Photos: / Foto Dieter Drescher Meran
Fam. Zagler
© Florian Andergassen
© Armin Terzer Photography
© Andreas Stedtler
© Rainer Schmidt
© Emi Massmer Emotions
Author of the images on this website | |||
Page: Panoramahotel |
Picture name: IDM-Patrick-Schwienbacher-Schenner-Waalweg-11-ko.jpg |
Image title: E-Bike-Tour with the host |
Author: IDM Südtirol |
Page: Panoramahotel |
Picture name: AS-Zielgruppe-Wanderer.jpg |
Image title: active HIKERS |
Author: unsplash: haupes Co. |
Page: Panoramahotel |
Picture name: AS-Zielgruppe-Opa.jpg |
Image title: cool GRANNIES & GRANDDADS |
Author: unsplash: sven-brandsma |
Page: Panoramahotel |
Picture name: AS-Zielgruppe-Paar.jpg |
Image title: young COUPLES IN LOVE |
Author: unsplash: john-schnobrich |
Page: Panoramahotel |
Picture name: AS-Zielgruppe-Geniesser.jpg |
Image title: happy CONNOISSEURS |
Author: Designed by Freepik |
Page: 10 Gründe |
Picture name: 0-0-Am-Sonnenhang.jpg |
Image title: „Look how beautiful“ – holiday in Dorf Tirol |
Author: Andergassen |
Page: Gutschein |
Picture name: Webversion-Emi-Massmer-Emotions.jpg |
Image title: |
Page: Spezial-Angebote |
Picture name: tv-Tirol-RoterRucksack-2.jpg |
Image title: |
Author: Tourismusverein Dorf Tirol/ Roter Rucksack |
Page: Spezial-Angebote |
Picture name: 5-289-Am-Sonnenhang-Webversion-Emi-Massmer-Emotions-EMIM4750.jpg |
Image title: "We are back" special 5=4 |
Author: Florian Andergassen |
Page: Mit Kids & Jugendlichen unterwegs |
Picture name: Familienausflug-Dorf-Tirol.jpg |
Image title: Family day in Dorf Tirol |
Author: IDM |
Page: Mit Kids & Jugendlichen unterwegs |
Picture name: erlebniswege-dorf-tirol.jpg |
Image title: Adventure trails in Dorf Tirol |
Author: Alex Filz |
Page: Mit Kids & Jugendlichen unterwegs |
Picture name: Spielplatz-Dorf-Tirol.jpg |
Image title: Playground in Dorf Tirol |
Author: Klaus Peterlin |
Page: Mit Kids & Jugendlichen unterwegs |
Picture name: eule-vogleschutzzentrum-tirol.jpg |
Image title: Bird care centre and bird of prey air show at Castle Tyrol |
Author: Frieder Blickle |
Page: Mit Kids & Jugendlichen unterwegs |
Picture name: Burglehenpark-Tirol.jpg |
Image title: Burglehenpark Dorf Tirol |
Author: TV Tirol |
Page: Mit Kids & Jugendlichen unterwegs |
Picture name: AdobeStock-281826019-Preview.jpeg |
Image title: Beach-volley courts |
Author: Andrii IURLOV |
Page: Mit Kids & Jugendlichen unterwegs |
Picture name: familie-berge2.jpg |
Image title: Hiking with children - South Tyrol - Alto Adige - Bolzano |
Author: Laurin Moser |
Page: Mit Kids & Jugendlichen unterwegs |
Picture name: paragleiten-tirol.jpg |
Image title: Paragliding & Tandem flights - Hochmuth |
Author: Marketinggesellschaft Meran/Mario Entero |
Page: Mit Kids & Jugendlichen unterwegs |
Picture name: knottenkino-2.jpg |
Image title: The “Knottnkino” in Verano |
Author: IDM |
Page: Mit Kids & Jugendlichen unterwegs |
Picture name: radtour-kinder.jpg |
Image title: Family cycling tours in Merano & Dintorni |
Author: IDM |
Page: Mit Kids & Jugendlichen unterwegs |
Picture name: sessellift-tirol.jpg |
Image title: Chairlift from Merano to Dorf Tirol |
Author: IDM |
Page: Mit Kids & Jugendlichen unterwegs |
Picture name: burglehenpark-05.jpg |
Image title: Burglehen park – Dorf Tirol |
Author: MARIA GAPP |
Page: Mit Kids & Jugendlichen unterwegs |
Picture name: Promenade-01.jpg |
Image title: Promenades in Dorf Tirol |
Author: Alex Filz |
Page: Mit Kids & Jugendlichen unterwegs |
Picture name: eisenbahnmuseum-partschins.jpg |
Image title: Parcines Railway Museum |
Author: IDM Südtirol/Alex Filz |
Page: Mit Kids & Jugendlichen unterwegs |
Picture name: Kloster-Marienberg.jpg |
Image title: Marienberg Monastery |
Author: IDM Südtirol/Angelika Schwarz |
Page: Family Inklusivleistungen |
Picture name: basteln-kinderbeteuung-hotel.jpg |
Image title: Doing craftwork with the Sonnenhang kids |
Author: Tourismusverein Dorf Tirol |
Page: Family Inklusivleistungen |
Picture name: kinderabendessen-02.jpg |
Image title: Yummy! |
Author: weyo - |
Page: Wellness & Spa |
Picture name: massage.jpg |
Image title: Spa treatments |
Author: IDM Südtirol/Christian Brecheis |
Page: Wellness & Spa |
Picture name: 9-0108-Vera-Moksa-Yoga-EMIM2908-Emi-Massmer-Emotions.jpg |
Image title: In tune with nature |
Author: IDM Südtirol/Stefan Schütz |
Page: Spa Anwendungen |
Picture name: manikuere.jpg |
Image title: professional manicure |
Author: sabine hürdler - |
Page: Genuss Halbpension |
Picture name: 217-Am-Sonnenhang-Webversion-Emi-Massmer-Emotions-EMIM4142.jpg |
Image title: Tomato, mozzarella |
Author: Rainer Schmidt |
Page: Genuss Halbpension |
Picture name: 203-Am-Sonnenhang-Webversion-Emi-Massmer-Emotions-EMIM4044.jpg |
Image title: „The Taste“ restaurant |
Author: Rainer Schmidt |
Page: E-Bike Verleih + Tourentipps |
Picture name: 038-Am-Sonnenhang-Webversion-Emi-Massmer-Emotions-EMIM2837.jpg |
Image title: Mountain-biking South Tyrol |
Author: MGM/Thomas Grüner |
Page: Neu: Golfen |
Picture name: Golfclub-Lana.jpg |
Image title: Golf course near Merano, Golf Club Lana |
Author: Andreas Marini |
Page: Dorf Tirol |
Picture name: dorf-tirol-fruehling.jpg |
Image title: Spring Dorf Tirol |
Author: Alex Filz |
Page: Dorf Tirol |
Picture name: wandern-textelgruppe.jpg |
Image title: summer in the village Dorf Tirol |
Author: Laurin Moser |
Page: Dorf Tirol |
Picture name: dorf-tirol-herbst.jpg |
Image title: Autumn colours in Dorf Tirol |
Author: Hannes Niederkofler |
Page: Dorf Tirol |
Picture name: dorf-tirol-schlossadvent.jpg |
Author: Maria Gapp |
Page: Dorf Tirol |
Picture name: Vogelschutzzentrum-Schloss-Tirol.jpg |
Author: Frieder Blickle |
Page: Dorf Tirol |
Picture name: St-Peter-Kirche.jpg |
Image title: St. Peter church |
Author: Laurin Moser |
Page: Dorf Tirol |
Picture name: weinweg-tirol.jpg |
Image title: Wine Route |
Author: Benjamin Pfitscher |
Page: Dorf Tirol |
Picture name: Longfall.jpg |
Image title: Longfall |
Author: Alex Filz |
Page: Dorf Tirol |
Picture name: Seilbahn-Hochmuth.jpg |
Image title: Hochmuth cable car |
Author: Benjamin Pfitscher |
Page: Dorf Tirol |
Picture name: Spronser-seen.jpg |
Image title: Spronser lakes |
Author: Laurin Moser |
Page: Meraner Land |
Picture name: Promenade-Passer.jpg |
Image title: Passer promenade in Merano - Couple holidays |
Author: IDM Südtirol/Marion Lafogler |
Page: Meraner Land |
Picture name: Meran-Panorama.jpg |
Image title: The Spa-town of Merano |
Author: IDM Südtirol/Alex Filz |
Page: Meraner Land |
Picture name: Promenade-Kurhaus-Meran.jpg |
Image title: Kurhaus in Merano |
Author: Kurverwaltung Meran/Alex Filz |
Page: Meraner Land |
Picture name: Shopping-Tirol.jpg |
Image title: Shopping in Dorf Tirol |
Author: Benjamin Pfitscher |
Page: Meraner Land |
Picture name: Trauttmansdorff.jpg |
Image title: The gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle |
Author: IDM Südtirol/Alex Filz |
Page: Meraner Land |
Picture name: Therme-Meran.jpg |
Image title: The Thermal baths of Merano |
Author: IDM Südtirol/Helmuth Rier |
Page: Meraner Land |
Picture name: Falknerpromenade.jpg |
Image title: „Look how beautiful“ |
Author: Alex Filz |
Page: Meraner Land |
Picture name: Tappeinerweg-Meran.jpg |
Image title: Tappeinerweg in spring |
Author: Kurverwaltung Meran/Alex Filz |
Page: Aktiv im Urlaub |
Picture name: Aussichtsplattform-Hochmuth.jpg |
Image title: Viewing platform Hochmuth |
Author: Benjamin Pfitscher |
Page: Aktiv im Urlaub |
Picture name: Meraner-Hoehenweg.jpg |
Author: IDM Südtirol/Alex Filz |
Page: Aktiv im Urlaub |
Picture name: wandern-meraner-land-02.jpg |
Image title: Hiking in Meran and Environs |
Author: Tourismusverein Dorf Tirol - Laurin Moser |
Page: Aktiv im Urlaub |
Picture name: minigolf-tirol.jpg |
Image title: MINIGOLF | DORF TIROL |
Author: oneinchpunch - |
Page: Aktiv im Urlaub |
Picture name: volleyball.jpg |
Image title: Beach volleyball | Dorf Tirol |
Author: Andrii Yurlov - |
Page: Aktiv im Urlaub |
Picture name: Dorf-Tirol-Tennisplaetze.jpg |
Image title: Tennis | Dorf Tirol |
Author: Tourismusverein Dorf Tirol |
Page: Aktiv im Urlaub |
Picture name: Paragleiten-Tirol-2.jpg |
Image title: Paragliding in Dorf Tirol |
Author: Marketinggesellschaft Meran/Mario Entero |
Page: Aktiv im Urlaub |
Picture name: golf-tirol.jpg |
Image title: Golf Holiday in the Dolomites |
Author: Nattawut - |
Page: Dorf Tirol Veranstaltungen und Events |
Picture name: Tracht-Dorf-Tirol.jpg |
Image title: Vespa – South Tyrolean traditional costume |
Author: Tourismusverein Dorf Tirol/Klaus Peterlin |
Page: Google-Fragen |
Picture name: Webversion-Emi-Massmer-Emotions.jpg |
Image title: View Outdoor Lounge |
We attach great importance to the specification of the image authors. If we should have forgotten someone, please let us know. We will fix the problem as soon as possible.
© Design and concept:
Lissa Lobis, Studio Delo,
© Programming:
Photo Dieter Drescher Meran
Günther Drescher
Schallhofweg 4a
I-39012 Meran (BZ)
Mwst-Nr.: 02208400214
Legal notice / disclaimer:
We endeavor to provide complete and correct information on this website. Nevertheless, we cannot assume any liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided.
We reserve the right to make changes or additions to the information provided without prior notice. We accept no liability for the content of external sites that can be accessed via an external link on our website. The operator of the linked websites is solely responsible for their content.
The respective offer at the time of booking or the booking confirmation is binding.
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Translated with google translator. Only the german version is legally binding.
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